Saturday - June 1, 2024
Public Policy Tipoffs Involving Massachusetts Newsletter for Friday April 12, 2024 ( 7 items )  

Ceres Applauds Proposal for Regional Energy Market in the West
BOSTON, Massachusetts, April 11 -- Ceres, a non-profit organization that is mobilizing many of the world's largest companies and investors to take stronger action on climate change, water scarcity and other global sustainability challenges, issued the following news release on April 10, 2024: Ceres welcomes the recommendations issued today by the West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative in pursuit of a regional wholesale electricity market, a key milestone toward improving grid reliability, aff  more

Ceres: New Report - EPA's Effective Track Record Forecasting Technological Progress Allows for Stronger Air Pollution Policies
BOSTON, Massachusetts, April 11 (TNSres) -- Ceres, a non-profit organization that is mobilizing many of the world's largest companies and investors to take stronger action on climate change, water scarcity and other global sustainability challenges, issued the following news release: Despite regularly facing skepticism, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has a strong track record of forecasting technological progress that allows for stronger air pollution policies, according to a new anal  more

Marine Biological Laboratory: A Final Publication From David Remsen
WOODS HOLE, Massachusetts, April 12 (TNSres) -- The Marine Biological Laboratory issued the following news: * * * By Diana Kenney The late David Remsen, who directed the MBL's Marine Resources Center, was as keen a naturalist as can be found anywhere on Earth. He grew up in Woods Hole, swimming in its bays and turning over rocks to see what crawled beneath. Later, as chief of MBL's specimen-collecting operations, he continued to amass an encyclopedic knowledge of the animals and plants living  more

Marine Biological Laboratory: New Publications - March 2024
WOODS HOLE, Massachusetts, April 11 (TNSres) -- The Marine Biological Laboratory issued the following weekly publications on April 10, 2024: * * * Every month, research from MBL scientists and affiliates is published in academic journals across the globe. In February 2024, 14 new studies were published. MBL-affiliated authors are in bold. Our list of recent publications is updated weekly here ( March 2024 Buresch, K. C., Huget, N. D., Br  more

Oxfam America: Amazon and Walmart's Excessive Warehouse Surveillance Erodes Workers' Rights, Seriously Harms Worker Health and Safety
BOSTON, Massachusetts, April 11 (TNSres) -- Oxfam America issued the following news release on April 10, 2024: * * * New data shows how Walmart has adopted Amazon's signature use of oppressive surveillance in its warehouses. More than half of workers surveyed--54 percent at Amazon and 57 percent at Walmart--reported that their production rate makes it hard for them to use the bathroom. * * * Today, Oxfam, the global organization fighting inequality to end poverty and injustice, published a n  more

The Buckeye Institute to SCOTUS: Rein in Police Powers of the State
COLUMBUS, Ohio, April 12 -- The Buckeye Institute, an independent research and educational institution that says its mission is to advance free-market public policy, issued the following news release: On Thursday, The Buckeye Institute filed an amicus brief in Norris v. Stanley, calling on the U.S. Supreme Court to hear the case and correct a misreading of Jacobson v. Massachusetts, which lower courts have over-interpreted to allow the government to use its police power to force people to get m  more

Trustees of Reservations: Upcoming Native American Art Exhibition at Fruitlands Receives $75,000 Grant From Henry Luce Foundation
HARVARD, Massachusetts, April 11 -- Trustees of Reservations issued the following news release on April 10, 2024: An exhibition opening in June at Fruitlands Museum in Harvard has received a $75,000 grant from the Henry Luce Foundation. Fruitlands, owned by The Trustees, will put the funds to use in support of Across Boundaries Across Barriers, a long-term installation of historic and contemporary Native American art. The exhibition represents a new emphasis on the Native American collection a  more