Friday - May 31, 2024
Public Policy Tipoffs Involving Massachusetts Newsletter for Wednesday April 10, 2024 ( 2 items )  

UCS Delivers Letter to Congress Calling for Rejection of Dangerous Nuclear Energy Provisions
CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts, April 10 -- The Union of Concerned Scientists issued the following news release on April 9, 2024: The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) delivered a letter to U.S. Congressional leaders outlining serious health, safety, and environmental concerns with the nuclear energy legislation--H.R.6544--passed by the U.S. House of Representatives in February. Among UCS' top concerns is the potential for the legislation to undermine the independence of the Nuclear Regulatory Com  more

Union of Concerned Scientists: Swiss Climate Inaction Violates Human Rights, European Court Rules
CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts, April 10 -- The Union of Concerned Scientists issued the following news release on April 9, 2024: * * * The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) today ruled that the Swiss government violated human rights by failing to take action to curb its heat-trapping emissions. Under Article 8 in the European Convention of Human Rights, the case has set precedent for the legal obligation of all European states to protect the right to private and family life in the context of cl  more