Saturday - June 1, 2024
U.S. Congressional Tipoffs Involving Texas Newsletter for Sunday January 21, 2024 ( 86 items )  

Ahead of Roe Anniversary, Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher Joins Health Secretary Xavier Becerra in Reproductive Rights Roundtable
WASHINGTON, Jan. 18 -- Rep. Lizzie Fletcher, D-Texas, issued the following news release on Jan. 17, 2024: Today, Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher (TX-07) joined U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra and other pro-choice lawmakers in a roundtable to discuss ways to restore and protect reproductive health care. The roundtable is part of Secretary Becerra's Reproductive Health Care series to highlight the work the Biden administration is doing to protect women's   more

Allred Meets with North Texas OB-GYN to Discuss Impact of Texas's Cruel Abortion Ban on Women
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17 -- Rep. Colin Allred, D-Texas, issued the following news release: Congressman Colin Allred (TX-32), joined his Texas Democratic delegation colleagues today in meeting with Dr. Austin Dennard and the Center for Reproductive Rights to discuss the harmful impact of Texas's abortion ban on Texas women. Dr. Dennard, an OBGYN herself, had to travel out-of-state to receive abortion care after learning she was carrying a fetus with anencephaly, a fatal condition in which the skull a  more

Allred Votes Against Harmful Anti-Abortion Legislation
WASHINGTON, Jan. 18 -- Rep. Colin Allred, D-Texas, issued the following news release: Congressman Colin Allred (TX-32) today voted against two harmful pieces of anti-abortion legislation that will further limit women's autonomy over their own medical choices.  The Pregnant Students' Rights Act does not increase pregnant students' access to the services they need as they seek an education, and it also further stigmatizes students who choose to seek abortion care and increases disinformation ab  more

WASHINGTON, Jan. 20 -- Rep. August Pfluger, R-Texas, issued the following news release: Friday, Congressman August Pfluger (TX-11) announced the second annual Pfluger Student Leadership Conference. The event is open to all high school students in the 11th District of Texas and will be held on Saturday, February 24th, from 10:30 am to 2:30 pm at the Bush Convention Center in Midland, Texas. The conference will offer students the opportunity to participate in character-building activities and he  more

Arrington ALIGN Act Included in Tax Deal
WASHINGTON, Jan. 16 -- Rep. Jodey Arrington, R-Texas, issued the following news release: WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, Ways and Means Chairman Jason Smith (R-MO) and Senate Finance Chairman Ron Wyden (D-OR) announced the final Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act. This legislation, the result of extensive bipartisan, bicameral negotiations, includes Chairman Arrington's Accelerate Long-term Investment Growth Now (ALIGN) Act. The bill would allow businesses to continue to immediately exp  more

Castro, Cuellar, Gonzales, Casar Push for Full Ecosystem Restoration of Martinez Creek on San Antonio's Westside
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19 -- Rep. Joaquin Castro, D-Texas, issued the following news release: San Antonio representatives Joaquin Castro (TX-20), Henry Cuellar (TX-28), Tony Gonzales (TX-23), and Greg Casar (TX-35) launched a bipartisan push for Congress to approve a full aquatic ecosystem restoration of Martinez Creek on the Westside of San Antonio. Under their proposal, Martinez Creek would be eligible for the full range of measures that are available for San Antonio's San Pedro, Apache, and Alazan  more

Chairman Arrington and House Budget Committee Pass Bipartisan Debt Commission Legislation
WASHINGTON, Jan. 18 -- Rep. Jodey Arrington, R-Texas, issued the following news release: House Budget Chairman Jodey Arrington (TX-19) held a markup of three bipartisan bills to create a fiscal commission and educate the American people on our unsustainable fiscal trajectory. All three bills passed out of the Committee with bipartisan support. The last time the House Budget Committee passed bipartisan legislation was nearly a decade ago in March of 2014. Immediately following the markup, Chairm  more

WASHINGTON, Jan. 18 -- Rep. August Pfluger, R-Texas, issued the following news release on Jan. 17, 2024: Today, House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Counterterrorism, Law Enforcement, and Intelligence Chairman August Pfluger (R-TX) delivered the following opening statement in a hearing to examine the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) role in combating transnational repression in the United States. Chairman Pfluger was pleased to invite Midlander Dr. Bob Fu, the Founder and President o  more

Committee on Small Business Holds Hearing Examining Avenues to Capital Access for Main Street
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19 -- Rep. Roger Williams, R-Texas, chairman of the House Small Business Committee, issued the following news release on Jan. 18, 2024: Today, Chairman Roger Williams (R-TX) led a full Committee on Small Business hearing titled "Unleashing Main Street's Potential: Examining Avenues to Capital Access." Chairman Williams issued the following statement after today's hearing. "Today's hearing was incredibly important because, as this Committee has heard repeatedly, access to capit  more

Committee Republicans Demand Answers After Reports of UNRWA Aid Ending Up in Hamas Hands
WASHINGTON, Jan. 18 -- Rep. Michael T. McCaul, R-Texas, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, issued the following news release: House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX), Subcommittee on Oversight & Accountability Chairman Brian Mast (R-FL), Subcommittee on Global Health, Global Human Rights and International Organizations Chairman Christopher Smith (R-NJ), and Representative Darrell Issa (R-CA) sent a letter demanding answers to reports that Hamas is diverting   more

Congressman Ellzey Signs on to Trump V. Anderson Amicus Brief
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19 -- Rep. Jake Ellzey, R-Texas, issued the following news release on Jan. 18, 2024: Today, Congressman Ellzey joined his colleagues in filing a Supreme Court amicus brief in the case Donald J. Trump v. Norma Anderson. In the case of Trump v. Anderson, the U.S. Supreme Court is currently considering whether former President Donald Trump should stay on the ballot in the State of Colorado. This comes after the Colorado Supreme Court's decision to remove him, despite his current   more

Congresswoman Escobar Leads International Call for Durable Peace in Israel and Palestine
WASHINGTON, Jan. 20 -- Rep. Veronica Escobar, D-Texas, issued the following news release on Jan. 18, 2024: Today, Congresswoman Veronica Escobar (TX-16) led 9 of her colleagues in the House of Representatives in sending a multilateral letter to President Biden to renew the calls for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and push for a durable peace in the interests of Israelis and Palestinians alike. This was part of a joint effort with 20 Members of the Canadian Parliament and 20 Members of the German  more

Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher Votes To Avoid a Government Shutdown
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19 -- Rep. Lizzie Fletcher, D-Texas, issued the following news release on Jan. 18, 2024: Today, Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher (TX-07) released the following statement after voting for the Senate Amendment to H.R. 2872, the Further Additional Continuing Appropriations and Other Extensions Act, 2024, which extends government funding through March 1 and March 8, 2024. "Keeping our government funded and functioning is a fundamental responsibility of Congress," said Congresswoman L  more

Congresswoman Tenney Joins Congressional Republicans in Filing Amicus Brief Supporting President Trump's Colorado Ballot Disqualification Appeal
WASHINGTON, Jan. 18 -- Rep. Claudia Tenney, R-New York, issued the following news release: Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24) today joined House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.), House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas), 134 other House Republicans, and 41 other Senate Republicans filed a Supreme Court Amicus Brief in the case Donald J. Trump v. Norma Anderson, et al. In Trump v. Anderson, the U.S. Supreme Court is weighing whether President Donald Trump should rema  more

Cortez Masto, Cornyn Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Enhance Mental Health Care Emergency Services
WASHINGTON, Jan. 18 -- Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto, D-Nevada, issued the following news release: U.S. Senators Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.) and John Cornyn (R-Texas) introduced the bipartisan Medicare Mobile Crisis Improvement Act to help more Americans access behavioral health crisis services. The legislation would make Medicare payment rates more robust for mental health services delivered by mobile units, including those that Nevada has already begun to develop. Expanding mobile crisis un  more

Cruz, Brown Introduce New Legislation to Bolster U.S. Transformer Supply Chains and Protect American Energy Independence
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19 -- Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, issued the following news release: Yesterday, U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) introduced new legislation - The Distribution Transformer Efficiency & Supply Chain Reliability Act of 2024 - that would bolster the U.S. transformer supply chain, an important part of electricity grids, by setting new realistic energy efficiency standards that help stabilize domestic transformer manufacturing to meet increasing demand without exa  more

Durbin, Padilla Denounce Texas Governor for Preventing Federal Officials from Reaching Migrants in Distress
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17 -- Sen. Richard J. Durbin, D-Illinois, issued the following news release: U.S. Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL), Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and U.S. Senator Alex Padilla (D-CA), Chair of the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship, and Border Safety, released the following statement condemning reported actions by Texas Governor Greg Abbott's administration that prevented federal officials from aiding migrants in distress at the southwes  more

e-Newsletter: Week of January 12th
WASHINGTON, Jan. 12 -- Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, issued the following news release: Good Evening, In 2023, my team and I were hard at work serving Texans throughout the Lone Star State. Over this past year, I was proud to fight for you and your family by creating new jobs, standing up for your freedoms, and putting pressure on the Biden administration to prioritize our national security. We had some incredible wins in 2023, and I look forward to building on those successes for Texans, and all A  more

e-Newsletter: Week of January 19th
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19 -- Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, issued the following news release: Good Evening, As a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee and the ranking member of the Subcommittee on the Constitution, this week I led 177 of my colleagues in Congress, alongside House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.), in filing a bicameral Supreme Court amicus brief in the case Donald J. Trump v. Norma Anderson, et al. The Colorado Supreme Court's decision in this case to keep Donald Trump off the bal  more

House Budget Committee Chairman Arrington Delivers Opening Remarks at Markup of Bills H.R. 5779, H.R. 6957, H.R. 6952
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19 -- Rep. Jodey Arrington, R-Texas, chairman of the House Budget Committee, issued the following news release on Jan. 18, 2024: Today, House Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-TX) delivered the following opening remarks at the Committee's Markup on bills H.R. 5779, the Fiscal Commission Act of 2023, H.R. 6957, the Debt to GDP Transparency and Stabilization Act, and H.R. 6952, the Fiscal State of the Nation Act. Chairman Arrington's Remarks as Prepared for Delivery   more

House Budget Committee Chairman Arrington, Bill Sponsors Laud the Passage of Budget Process Reform Bills Out of Committee
WASHINGTON, Jan. 20 -- Rep. Jodey Arrington, R-Texas, chairman of the House Budget Committee, issued the following news release on Jan. 19, 2024: Yesterday, the House Budget Committee, under the leadership of Chairman Arrington, held a successful markup on several bipartisan legislative proposals aimed at bringing accountability and transparency to Congress' broken budget process. All three bills--H.R. 5779, the Fiscal Commission Act of 2024, H.R. 6952, the Fiscal State of the Nation Act, and  more

House Budget Committee Chairman Arrington, House Education Committee Chairwoman Foxx Demand Transparency on the Cost of Biden's Newest Student Loan Bailout Scheme
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17 -- Rep. Jodey Arrington, R-Texas, chairman of the House Budget Committee, issued the following news release on Jan. 16, 2024: Today, House Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-TX) and House Education and the Workforce Committee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) sent a letter to U.S. Department of Education Secretary Cardona requesting answers and documents related to the Biden administration's latest student loan bailout plan. The letter reads in part, "The Congress  more

House Budget Committee to Hold Markup of Bills H.R. 5779, H.R. 6952, H.R. 6957
WASHINGTON, Jan. 18 -- Rep. Jodey Arrington, R-Texas, chairman of the House Budget Committee, issued the following news release: January 18th, Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-TX), Ranking Member Brendan Boyle (D-PA), Budget Process Reform Task Force Chairman Rudy Yakym (R-IN), and members of the House Budget Committee will hold a markup of: H.R. 5779, Fiscal Commission Act of 2023 Led by Representative Huizenga (R-MI) and Representative Peters (D-CA) H.R. 6952, Fiscal State of the Nation Act L  more

House Energy Subcommittee on Oversight Chair Griffith Issues Opening Remarks on President Biden Failed Border Policies
WASHINGTON, Jan. 18 -- Rep. Morgan Griffith, R-Virginia, chair of the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, issued the following news release on Jan. 17, 2024: House Energy and Commerce Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee Chair Morgan Griffith (R-VA) delivered the following opening remarks at today's subcommittee hearing on the safety, health, and economic consequences of President Biden's border crisis. "Today's hearing comes nearly one year after this  more

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chair McCaul Leads Bipartisan Delegation to Texas Border, Mexico
MCALLEN, Texas, Jan. 20 -- Rep. Michael T. McCaul, R-Texas, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, issued the following news release on Jan. 19, 2024: Starting today, House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX) will be leading a congressional delegation (CODEL) to McAllen, Texas and Mexico to see the border crisis firsthand and meet with Mexican leaders. The bipartisan delegation includes Representatives Henry Cuellar (D-TX), Randy Weber (R-TX), Tony Gonzalez (R-TX)  more

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman McCaul Delivers Remarks at Full Committee Hearing Examining Flow of U.S. Dollars to CCP
WASHINGTON, Jan. 18 -- Rep. Michael T. McCaul, R-Texas, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, issued the following news release on Jan. 17, 2024: Today, House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul at a full committee hearing to examine the flow of U.S. monies into the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) military-industrial complex. During his opening statement, Chairman McCaul highlighted the importance of restricting the outbound flow of money and national security-related t  more

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman McCaul Issues Statement Following White House Meeting
WASHINGTON, Jan. 18 -- Rep. Michael T. McCaul, R-Texas, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, issued the following news release on Jan. 17, 2024: Today, House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul joined Speaker Johnson and other congressional leaders at the White House to discuss a supplemental package that would address border security and provide security assistance to Israel, Taiwan, and Ukraine. There, he told the president substantive policy reforms to address the c  more

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman McCaul Questions Witnesses at Hearing to Address Flow of U.S. Money to CCP
WASHINGTON, Jan. 18 -- Rep. Michael T. McCaul, R-Texas, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, issued the following news release on Jan. 17, 2024: Today, House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul questioned witnesses at a full committee hearing to address the flow of U.S. dollars to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). - As Delivered - Chairman McCaul: "I just want to say first that the witnesses filled out a truth and testimony form, regarding any motivation to impugn   more

House Foreign Affairs Committee McCaul IssuesStatement on White House Re-Designating the Houthis as SDGTs
WASHINGTON, Jan. 18 -- Rep. Michael T. McCaul, R-Texas, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, issued the following statement on Jan. 17, 2024: * * * House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul has released the following statement in response to the Biden administration's failure to designate the Houthis as a foreign terrorist organization (FTO), which brings more impact and more penalties than the specially designated global terrorists (SDGT) designation. The Biden White  more

House Foreign Affairs Committee Members McCaul, Meeks, Kim, Bera Praise Taiwan Elections
WASHINGTON, Jan. 13 -- Rep. Michael T. McCaul, R-Texas, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, issued the following news release: Today, House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX), House Foreign Affairs Committee Ranking Member Gregory W. Meeks (D-NY), Subcommittee on Indo-Pacific Chairwoman Young Kim (R-CA), and Subcommittee on Indo-Pacific Ranking Member Ami Bera, M.D. (D-CA) issued the following statement on Taiwan's election: "We congratulate the people of Tai  more

House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Counterterrorism Chair Pfluger: 'The Threat of Transnational Repression Has Grown Significantly'
WASHINGTON, Jan. 18 -- Rep. August Pfluger, R-Texas, chairman of the House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Counterterrorism, Law Enforcement, and Intelligence, issued the following news release: Today, House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Counterterrorism, Law Enforcement, and Intelligence Chairman August Pfluger (R-TX) delivered the following opening statement in a hearing to examine the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) role in combating transnational repression in the United State  more

House Oversight Committee Members Comer, Sessions Issue Statement on Federal Workers Walkout to Protest U.S. Support for Israel
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17 -- Rep. James Comer, R-Kentucky, chairman of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee, issued the following news release: House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) and Subcommittee on Government Operations and the Federal Workforce Chairman Pete Sessions (R-Texas) issued the following statement on reports some federal employees planned to walk out on the job to protest the United States' support for Israel: "Federal employees have   more

House Oversight Subcommittee on Economic Growth Chair Fallon: We Must Take Steps Now to Build Out America Nuclear Power Capacity
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19 -- Rep. Pat Fallon, R-Texas, chairman of the House Oversight and Accountability Subcommittee on Economic Growth, Energy Policy, and Regulatory Affairs, issued the following news release on Jan. 18, 2024: Subcommittee on Economic Growth, Energy Policy, and Regulatory Affairs Chairman Pat Fallon (R-Texas.) today opened a hearing titled "The Next Generation: Empowering American Nuclear Energy" by outlining how ensuring the United States is on track to meet the energy needs of t  more

House Passes Congressman Moran's Resolution Condemning Open Border Policies
WASHINGTON, Jan. 20 -- Rep. Nathaniel Moran, R-Texas, issued the following news release on Jan. 18, 2024: Congressman Nathaniel Moran (TX-01) celebrated the passage of House Resolution (H.Res.) 957, which condemns the Biden Administration's open borders policies and calls on President Biden to end these policies immediately. The resolution led by Congressman Moran passed the House of Representatives by a 225-187 vote, with fourteen Democrats joining all Republicans in supporting it. The passage  more

House Small Business Committee Chairman Williams Writes to Acting Secretary Su Over DOL New Rule Surrounding Independent Contractors
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19 -- Rep. Roger Williams, R-Texas, chairman of the House Small Business Committee, issued the following news release on Jan. 18, 2024: Today, Congressman Roger Williams (R-TX), Chairman of the House Committee on Small Business, wrote to the Department of Labor (DOL) expressing concern over DOL's new rule regarding independent contractor classification. "This rule from the DOL fails to appropriately consider its impact on small businesses," said Chairman Williams. "Independent  more

House Transportation & Infrastructure Subcommittee Issues Testimony From Rep. Fletcher
WASHINGTON, Jan. 18 -- The House Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment issued the following testimony by Rep. Lizzie Pannill Fletcher, D-Texas, at a member day hearing on Jan. 11, 2024, on the Water Resources Development Act: * * * Thank you, Mr. Chairman. As a former member of this Committee, I am proud of and excited about the work we have accomplished in previous Water Resources Development Acts, and I appreciate the opportunity to testify today   more

House Transportation Subcommittee on Railroads Chairman Nehls Issues Statement From Hearing on Elimination of Railroad Grade Crossings
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19 -- Rep. Troy Nehls, R-Texas, chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials, issued the following news release on Jan. 18, 2024: * * * Opening remarks, as prepared, of Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials Subcommittee Chairman Troy Nehls (R-TX) from today's hearing, entitled "Oversight and Examination of Railroad Grade Crossing Elimination and Safety": Today's hearing examines highway-railroad   more

Kennedy, Cruz author amicus brief to restore Trump to Colorado ballot
WASHINGTON, Jan. 18 -- Sen. John Kennedy, R-Louisiana, issued the following news release: MADISONVILLE, La. - Sens. John Kennedy (R-La.), a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee and Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Federal Courts, and Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.) have filed an amicus brief with the U.S. Supreme Court in the case of Donald J. Trump v. Norma Anderson. The amicus brief outlines the legal support for former President Trump to be restored to the ballot i  more

WASHINGTON, Jan. 19 -- Rep. August Pfluger, R-Texas, issued the following news release on Jan. 18, 2024: Today, Rep. August Pfluger (R-TX) joined House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) and Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) in filing a Supreme Court amicus brief in the case Donald J. Trump v. Norma Anderson, et al. 135 other House Republicans, and 41 other Senate Republicans joined the brief. In Trump v. Anderson, the U.S. Supreme Court is weighing whether former President Donald Trump should rem  more

WASHINGTON, Jan. 19 -- Rep. August Pfluger, R-Texas, issued the following news release on Jan. 18, 2024: Today, Rep. August Pfluger (R-TX) proudly joined Rep. Randy Feenstra (IA-04) in introducing the Death Tax Repeal Act that would permanently repeal the death tax, which imposes an unfair and costly tax on the transfer of property, land, and other assets from a deceased family member to heirs of family farms and small businesses. Rep. August Pfluger said, "Only the federal government would lo  more

Rep. Cuellar Releases Statement on the Recent Death of Three Migrants - a Female Adult and Two Children - Near Shelby Park in Eagle Pass
LAREDO, Texas, Jan. 15 -- Rep. Henry Cuellar, D-Texas, issued the following statement on Jan. 13, 2024: * * * Today, U.S. Congressman Henry Cuellar, Ph.D. (TX-28) released the following statement on the recent death of three migrants - a female adult and two children - near Shelby Park in Eagle Pass: "I recently learned that three migrants - a female adult and two children - drowned in the Rio Grande River near Shelby Park in Eagle Pass. "Border Patrol learned on Friday, January 12, 2024, at  more

Rep. Doggett: Neither Rain Nor Wind Nor Snow Will Slow Corporate Tax Breaks
WASHINGTON, Jan. 20 -- Rep. Lloyd Doggett, D-Texas, issued the following news release: During a snowstorm after most of Congress had already departed, the House Ways & Means Committee today delivered more corporate tax breaks with the adoption of H.R. 7024, advancing the interests of corporate lobbyists over the needs of children. U.S. Representative Lloyd Doggett (D-Texas) slammed the proposal for failing to sufficiently improve the Child Tax Credit and lift millions of struggling families out  more

Rep. Greg Casar Confronts Former ICE Director, Defends Immigrants at Oversight Committee Hearing
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19 -- Rep. Greg Casar, D-Texas, issued the following news release on Jan. 17, 2024: Today, Congressman Greg Casar (D-Texas) confronted Tom Homan, the former Acting Director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) during the Trump Administration, during an Oversight Committee hearing on immigration. "Trump's former ICE Director Homan may not 'give a shit' about Texas families being separated, but Texans do," said Congressman Greg Casar (D-Texas) in a statement after t  more

Rep. Greg Casar Issues Statement on DOJ Uvalde Report
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19 -- Rep. Greg Casar, D-Texas, issued the following statement on Jan. 18, 2024: * * * Today, Congressman Greg Casar (D-Texas) releases the following statement in response to the U.S. Justice Department report on the 2022 Robb Elementary School shooting in Uvalde, Texas. "Nothing will bring back the Uvalde children, teachers, and family members whose lives were stolen on May 24, 2022. Families deserve the truth, accountability, and justice, and my heart is with them today,"   more

Rep. John James Joins Rep. Scalise, Sen. Cruz in SCOTUS Amicus Brief
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19 -- Rep. John James, R-Michigan, issued the following news release on Jan. 18, 2024: Today, Representative John James (MI-10) signed onto a Supreme Court amicus brief led by House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) and Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas). The case, Donald J. Trump v. Norma Anderson, et al., addresses the question of whether former President Donald Trump should remain on the ballot in Colorado. The case comes after the Colorado Supreme Court ruled that Trump should   more

Rep. Keith Self Supports Pro-Life Initiatives
WASHINGTON, Jan. 20 -- Rep. Keith Self, R-Texas, issued the following news release on Jan. 19, 2024: This week, Congressman Keith Self voted in favor of the Supporting Pregnant and Parenting Women and Families Act and the Pregnant Students' Rights Act. These bills would stop the Biden Administration from denying funding for pregnancy centers in America and would force universities receiving Title IX funding to provide pro-life pregnancy resources to pregnant students. "As a Christian conservat  more

Rep. Keith Self Votes No on Continuing Resolution
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19 -- Rep. Keith Self, R-Texas, issued the following news release on Jan. 18, 2024: Today Congressman Keith Self voted against yet another Continuing Resolution along with another 105 House Republicans. This legislation does not contain any border security provisions, it extends the blowout Pelosi- Biden spending levels and is unacceptable to constituents in Texas. "Unless we take a stand to secure our border, America's sovereignty will remain in jeopardy. "The Biden adminis  more

Rep. McCaul Speaks to Families of Victims of Secretary Mayorkas Dereliction of Duty, Hears Heartbreaking Stories
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19 -- Rep. Michael T. McCaul, R-Texas, issued the following news release: This week, U.S. Congressman Michael McCaul (R-Texas) -- chairman emeritus of the House Committee on Homeland Security -- provided remarks and addressed witnesses at the committee's second impeachment hearing of Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, titled "Voices for the Victims: The Heartbreaking Reality of the Mayorkas Border Crisis." McCaul spoke to two victims' mothers and hear  more

Rep. McCaul Sponsors Bill to Repeal Democrats Kill Switch in Cars Mandate
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19 -- Rep. Michael T. McCaul, R-Texas, issued the following news release: U.S. Congressman Michael McCaul (R-Texas) sponsored H.R. 6563, the No Kill Switches in Cars Act, introduced by Rep. Scott Perry (R-Pa.). The No Kill Switches in Cars Act would repeal a provision in Democrats' Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act that mandates the inclusion of a kill switch in new vehicles produced after 2026. "The Biden administration and Congressional Democrats' blatant overreach know  more

Rep. Moskowitz Issues Statement After DOJ Report Finds 'Cascading Failures' by Police During Uvalde Shooting
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19 -- Rep. Jared Moskowitz, D-Florida, issued the following statement on Jan. 18, 2024: * * * Congressman Jared Moskowitz (D-FL), Co-Chair of the Congressional Bipartisan School Safety and Security Caucus, released the following statement after a report by the U.S. Department of Justice Department (DOJ) revealed "cascading failures" in the police response to the 2022 shooting at Robb Elementary in Uvalde, Texas. "When 17 people were killed at my alma mater, Marjory Stoneman D  more

Rep. Owens Appeals President Trump Colorado Ballot Disqualification
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19 -- Rep. Burgess Owens, R-Utah, issued the following news release: Rep. Burgess Owens (R-UT) joined House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.), Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.), and 175+ House and Senate Republicans in filing a Supreme Court amicus brief in the case Donald J. Trump v. Norma Anderson, et al. "At the heart of our democracy lies a fundamental freedom granted to American citizens - the right to vote," said Rep. Owens. "This cornerstone   more

Rep. Roger Williams Earns A+ Rating From Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19 -- Rep. Roger Williams, R-Texas, issued the following news release on Jan. 18, 2024: Wednesday, Congressman Roger Williams (TX-25) announced that he earned an A+ rating on Susan B. Anthony (SBA) Pro-Life America National Pro-Life Scorecard for the first session of the 118th Congress for his unwavering commitment to protect the unborn. The SBA Pro-Life America National Pro-Life Scorecard tracks the votes and actions for every member of Congress. "I am proud to call myself a   more

Rep. Roy issues statement on continuing resolution vote
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19 -- Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, issued the following news release: On Thursday, Congress voted to continue funding a government at war with the American people. Tellingly - only half of Republicans joined with virtually every House Democrat to pass a continuing resolution that spends beyond levels set by Pelosi and rubberstamps the radical agenda of the Biden administration. Most troublingly, this bill again fails to use the power of the purse to force Biden to the table and sec  more

Rep. Scalise, Sen. Cruz File Amicus Brief Supporting President Trump Colorado Ballot Disqualification Appeal
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19 -- Rep. Steve Scalise, R-Louisiana, issued the following news release on Jan. 18, 2024: Today, House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) and Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) filed a Supreme Court amicus brief in the case Donald J. Trump v. Norma Anderson, et al. Leader Scalise and Sen. Cruz were joined on the brief by Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.), 135 other House Republicans, and 41 other Senate Republicans. In Trump v. Anderson, the U.S. Supreme Court is weighing whether forme  more

Rep. Tony Gonzales Issues Statement on the Department of Justice's Critical Incident Review of the Robb Elementary School Tragedy
WASHINGTON, Jan. 20 -- Rep. Tony Gonzales, R-Texas, issued the following statement on Jan. 18, 2024: * * * Today, Congressman Tony Gonzales (TX-23) released the below statement following the release of the Department of Justice's (DOJ) critical incident review report on the May 2022 tragedy at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. "Today and every day, I think of the 21 souls that we lost to senseless violence at Robb Elementary. As the Uvalde community grapples with the painful findings o  more

Rep. Van Duyne Commends Announcement of Pro-Growth, Pro-Family Tax Package
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17 -- Rep. Beth Van Duyne, R-Texas, issued the following statement on Jan. 16, 2024: * * * Today, Congresswoman Beth Van Duyne, a member of the House Ways and Means Committee, issued the following statement in light of the recently announced tax package to help families and job creators. "From high interest rates to elevated costs for virtually everything, American families, workers, and job creators are on the front line of Biden's cost-of-living crisis. This tax package wil  more

WASHINGTON, Jan. 19 -- Rep. Randy Weber, R-Texas, issued the following statement on Jan. 18, 2024: * * * Today, U.S. Rep. Randy Weber (TX-14) released the following statement after voting against the continuing resolution. "Congress passed the third continuing resolution in less than four months. It continues to fund our government at the Democrat dream spending levels crafted by Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden over a year ago, preserving their failed policies. My fellow Texans are--and all Americ  more

Rep. Williams Calls to Fund Border Security Using Money Seized at Border
WASHINGTON, Jan. 20 -- Rep. Roger Williams, R-Texas, issued the following news release on Jan. 19, 2024: Thursday, Congressman Roger Williams (TX-25) introduced the Border Security Reserve Fund Act which establishes a reserve fund at the Department of Treasury to be used by border states and the Border Paatrol to secure our border from illegal immigration. The funding for the account will come from confiscated drug money seized by Customs and Border Protections. "Each year, millions of dollars  more

Rep. Williams Delivers Floor Remarks Denouncing Biden Failures at Our Border Ahead of the House Passage of H. Res. 957
WASHINGTON, Jan. 18 -- Rep. Roger Williams, R-Texas, issued the following news release on Jan. 17, 2024: Wednesday, Congressman Roger Williams (TX-25) delivered floor remarks ahead of the House passage of H. Res. 957 by a vote of 225 to 187. This legislation denounces the Biden administration's open-border policies, condemns the national security and public safety crisis along the southwest border, and urges Biden to end his administration's open-border policies. See Congressman Williams' floor  more

Rep. Williams Introduces Legislation Demanding Action to Mitigate Illegal Immigration's Financial Toll on Main Street
WASHINGTON, Jan. 20 -- Rep. Roger Williams, R-Texas, issued the following news release on Jan. 19, 2024: Thursday, Congressman Roger Williams (TX-25) introduced the Evaluating the Financial Impacts of Illegal Immigration Act requiring the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC), chaired by Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, to include illegal immigration risks as an emerging threat in their annual U.S. financial stability report and provide recommendations to Congress on how to mitigate thes  more

Reps. Casar, Castro, Cuellar, Gonzales Push for Full Ecosystem Restoration of Martinez Creek on San Antonio Westside
SAN ANTONIO, Texas, Jan. 20 -- Rep. Greg Casar, D-Texas, issued the following news release on Jan. 19, 2024: Today, San Antonio representatives Greg Casar (TX-35), Joaquin Castro (TX-20), Henry Cuellar (TX-28), and Tony Gonzales (TX-23) launched a bipartisan push for Congress to approve a full aquatic ecosystem restoration of Martinez Creek on the Westside of San Antonio. Under their proposal, Martinez Creek would be eligible for the full range of measures that are available for San Antonio's S  more

Reps. Johnson, Chairmen Green, Jordan Send Oversight Demands To Secretary Mayorkas
WASHINGTON, Jan. 11 (Rep.) -- House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-Louisiana, issued the following news release: Today, Speaker Johnson, Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan and Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green sent a letter to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas demanding answers from the Secretary following reporting and eyewitness accounts that DHS intentionally released thousands of aliens from custody in advance of House Republicans CODEL to Eagle Pass,   more

Reps. Roy, Crane, & Rosendale fight to repeal final federal COVID vaccine mandate
WASHINGTON, Jan. 18 -- Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, issued the following news release: Representatives Chip Roy (R-TX-21), Eli Crane (R-AZ-2), and Matt Rosendale (R-MT-2) introduced a bill that would repeal the COVID vaccine mandate in effect at the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) -- the last such mandate still in place. Representative Roy said, "The federal government never should have forced an experimental vaccine on the American people - especially after it knew the vaccine did nothing to pr  more

Sen. Cornyn 2023 in Review
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17 -- Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, issued the following statement on Jan. 16, 2024: * * * U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) released the following statement and background highlighting his office's accomplishments in constituent services and his legislation signed into law in 2023: "Whether we are helping veterans receive timely care or ensuring seniors receive their well-earned Social Security benefits, our office stands ready to help in any way we can," said Sen. Cornyn. "It's   more

Sen. Cornyn Calls Out Judicial Nominees for Opposing Religious Freedom
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19 -- Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, issued the following news on Jan. 18, 2024: While serving as chair for today's Senate Judiciary Committee markup, U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) highlighted three judicial nominees with troubling and divisive records on religious liberty and contrasted them with the nominees he, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), and other Republican colleagues have worked with the White House on who have received broad bipartisan support. Excerpts are below. "There are a   more

Sen. Cornyn Rips Schumer on Government Funding Failures, Defense Implications
WASHINGTON, Jan. 18 -- Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, issued the following news on Jan. 17, 2024: Today on the floor, U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) discussed the Senate's repeated failures to pass appropriations bills in a timely manner and the impact Senate Majority Leader Schumer's broken government funding process has on national security. Excerpts of Sen. Cornyn's remarks are below. "Congress has developed a dangerous habit of circumventing the normal processes for funding the government."   more

Sen. Cornyn: Hamas Sympathizers 'Divorced From Reality'
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17 -- Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, issued the following news on Jan. 16, 2024: Today on the floor, U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) discussed the important battle for public opinion surrounding the Israel-Hamas War and condemned anti-Israel rhetoric on college campuses, in the halls of Congress, and in protests across U.S. cities. Excerpts of Sen. Cornyn's remarks are below. "Anti-Israeli rhetoric has spread like wildfire across social media. It's taken root at elite college camp  more

Sen. Cruz Applauds as White House Backtracks on Nomination of Two Unqualified Judicial Nominees
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19 -- Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, issued the following news release: U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, issued the following statement after Spokane County Superior Court Judge Charnelle Bjelkengren and San Diego Superior Court Judge Marian Gaston have not be re-nominated to the federal district court bench by the Biden administration. Following the failed nominations, Sen. Cruz said, "Since Judges Bjelkengren and Gaston were nominated to the f  more

Sen. Cruz Issues Statement Committing to Advancing Legislation to Re-Impose Sanctions on The Houthis
WASHINGTON, Jan. 16 -- Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, issued the following news release: U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), member on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, today issued the following statement amid escalating attacks by the Houthis against Americans and American interests across the Middle East. The Biden administration formally announced they were revoking terrorism sanctions on the Houthis in February 2021. Sen. Cruz has introduced legislation in every Congress mandating the re-imposi  more

Sen. Cruz, Rep. Cuellar Lead Bipartisan Texas Delegation in Urging Secretary Blinken to Swiftly Implement Streamlined Bridge Permitting Law
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19 -- Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, issued the following news release: U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas), ranking member of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee, and U.S. Representative Henry Cuellar (D-Texas) this week led a bipartisan coalition of federal lawmakers representing Texas communities in sending a letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken urging him to quickly implement a key provision they included in the recently enacted 2024 National Defense Auth  more

Sen. Hoeven Joins Cruz Amicus Brief
WASHINGTON, Jan. 20 -- Sen. John Hoeven, R-North Dakota, issued the following news release: Senator John Hoeven (R-N.D.) joined a Supreme Court amicus brief, led by Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas), in the case Donald J. Trump v. Norma Anderson, et al., challenging the State of Colorado's disqualification of former President Trump from the state's ballot and urging the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn the decision. "Elections should be decided at the ballot box, not at the discretion of state official  more

Senate Commerce Committee Ranking Member Cruz, Sen. Peters Introduce SHARE IT Act to Require Government Agencies to Share Code
WASHINGTON, Jan. 18 -- Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, ranking member of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, issued the following news release on Jan. 16, 2024: U.S. Senate Commerce Committee Ranking Member Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and U.S. Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Gary Peters (D-Mich.) today introduced the Source Code Harmonization And Reuse in Information Technology (SHARE IT) Act, bipartisan legislation that would require government agenci  more

Senate Judiciary Committee Members Durbin, Padilla Denounce Texas Governor for Preventing Federal Officials From Reaching Migrants in Distress
WASHINGTON, Jan. 18 -- Sen. Richard J. Durbin, D-Illinois, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, issued the following news release on Jan. 17, 2024: U.S. Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL), Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and U.S. Senator Alex Padilla (D-CA), Chair of the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship, and Border Safety, released the following statement condemning reported actions by Texas Governor Greg Abbott's administration that prevented feder  more

Senator Cruz Leads Bicameral Supreme Court Amicus Brief in Support of Former President Donald Trump's Appeal of Colorado Ballot Disqualification
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19 -- Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, issued the following news release: U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), member of the Senate Judiciary Committee and ranking member of the Subcommittee on the Constitution, filed a Supreme Court amicus brief in the case Donald J. Trump v. Norma Anderson, et al. House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) led the amicus effort in the U.S. House of Representatives and was joined by Speaker Mike Johnson and 135 other Members of Congress. Sen. Cruz is joined   more

Senator Marshall Releases Statement On Texas Governor Seizing Control Of Border at Eagle Pass Port of Entry
WASHINGTON, Jan. 12 -- Sen. Roger Marshall, R-Kansas, issued the following news release: Washington, D.C. - U.S. Senator Roger Marshall released the following statement on the breaking news that the state of Texas is taking over control at points of entry in Eagle Pass, TX, a border town that has been a prominent passing point for illegal aliens. "Since taking office, Joe Biden and his Administration have undermined Texans safety and security at every turn," Senator Marshall said. "Eagle Pass  more

Senators Murray, Schumer, Stabenow, Klobuchar, Baldwin, Warren, Cortez Masto Host Abortion Rights Briefing Ahead of Roe v. Wade Anniversary: "We Will Not Let Anyone Turn Away"
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17 -- Sen. Patty Murray, D-Washington, issued the following news release: Dr. Austin Dennard, patient plaintiff in Zurawski v. Texas case: "For me, the physical and emotional risk of carrying a pregnancy to term, one that had no chance of survival was something I could not fathom. But since the fall of Roe, abortion laws written by politicians--not doctors--made the decision for me. So long as I remained on Texas soil, I was to remain pregnant. Forced pregnancy. Forced to deliv  more

Sens. Cornyn, Gillibrand Bill to Help Ensure Justice for Lockerbie Bombing Victims' Families Heads to President Desk
WASHINGTON, Jan. 20 -- Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, issued the following news: U.S. Senators John Cornyn (R-TX) and Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) released the following statements after their Meaningful Access to Court Proceedings for Victims of Pan Am Flight 103 Act, which would allow surviving relatives of the 270 victims, including 190 Americans, killed in the terrorist attack on Pan Am Flight 103 that crashed above Lockerbie, Scotland, in 1988 to access the criminal court proceedings remotely, pa  more

Sens. Cruz, Peters Introduce SHARE IT Act to Require Government Agencies to Share Code
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17 -- Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, issued the following news release: U.S. Senate Commerce Committee Ranking Member Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and U.S. Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Gary Peters (D-Mich.) today introduced the Source Code Harmonization And Reuse in Information Technology (SHARE IT) Act, bipartisan legislation that would require government agencies to share custom-developed source code with each other--thereby avoiding duplicative governm  more

Statement from Congressman Castro on Critical Incident Review on Uvalde Mass Shooting
WASHINGTON, Jan. 18 -- Rep. Joaquin Castro, D-Texas, issued the following news release: Congressman Joaquin Castro (TX-20) released the following statement as a preliminary response to the Department of Justice's Critical Incident Review on the May 2022 school shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas: "My heart is with the families in Uvalde as they relive the worst days of their lives. Nearly two years after the massacre, the anguish and pain at Robb Elementary School is impossible  more

Statement from Congressman Castro on Governor Abbott's Obstruction of Federal Immigration Enforcement in Eagle Pass, TX
WASHINGTON, Jan. 12 -- Rep. Joaquin Castro, D-Texas, issued the following news release: WASHINGTON -- Today, Congressman Joaquin Castro (TX-20) released the following statement in response to multiple reports that Texas state officials are blocking U.S. Border Patrol agents from conducting their duties and enforcing U.S. immigration law along the banks of the Rio Grande River in Eagle Pass, Texas: "This is unprecedented interference by a governor and state government in federal immigration enf  more

Statement from Congressman Castro on Migrant Deaths Near Shelby Park
WASHINGTON, Jan. 13 -- Rep. Joaquin Castro, D-Texas, issued the following news release: SAN ANTONIO -- Today, Congressman Joaquin Castro (TX-20) released the following statement following reports that a mother and her two children drowned after Texas officials refused to allow federal Border Patrol agents to access the Rio Grande River: "This is what Operation Lone Star looks like on the ground. Texas officials blocked U.S. Border Patrol agents from doing their job and allowed two children to   more

U.S. House of Representatives Passes Congressman Gonzalez's Bipartisan PROTECT Taiwan Act
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17 -- Rep. Vicente Gonzalez, D-Texas, issued the following news release: Last week, the U.S. House of Representatives unanimously voted to pass Congressman Vicente Gonzalez's (TX-34) bill H.R. 803, the Pressure Regulatory Organizations to End Chinese Threats to Taiwan Act, or the PROTECT Taiwan Act.  "Over the last year, we have seen an increase in China's attempts to intimidate Taiwan through brazen military action," said Congressman Gonzalez. "This bipartisan bill sends a m  more

U.S. Congressman Henry Cuellar Joins Washington Post Live to Discuss Border Security
WASHINGTON, Jan. 20 -- Rep. Henry Cuellar, D-Texas, issued the following news release on Jan. 19, 2024: Yesterday, U.S. Congressman Henry Cuellar joined a Washington Post event, moderated by Washington Post reporter Leigh Ann Caldwell, to discuss the urgent need for border security measures. During the discussion, Cuellar emphasized the need to address the pull factors that are contributing to the record number of encounters at the U.S. Southern Border. Watch the full discussion here (https://  more

Van Duyne, Scalise, and Cruz File Amicus Brief Supporting President Trump's Appeal of Colorado Ballot Disqualification
WASHINGTON, Jan. 20 -- Rep. Beth Van Duyne, R-Texas, issued the following news release on Jan. 19, 2024: Yesterday, Congresswoman Beth Van Duyne (R-Texas) joined House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.), Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas), and more than 130 of her colleagues in filing a Supreme Court amicus brief in the case Donald J. Trump v. Norma Anderson, et al. In Trump v. Anderson, the U.S. Supreme Court is weighing whether former President Donald Trump should remain on the ballot in the Stat  more

VIDEO: Ahead of Roe v. Wade Anniversary, Rosen Highlights Effects of Anti-Choice Attacks on Women's Reproductive Care
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17 -- Sen. Jacky Rosen, D-Nevada, issued the following news release: View/Download Video of Senator Rosen's Remarks HERE Today, during a Senate briefing on the state of abortion rights in the United States, Senator Jacky Rosen (D-NV) highlighted the effects of the ongoing anti-choice attacks on women's access to reproductive care following the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Senator Rosen questioned Dr. Austin Dennard, a doctor from Texas who has been personally and professionally  more

Young, Colleagues Introduce Bill to Secure Critical Mineral Supply Chains, Counter Chinese Dominance
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19 -- Sen. Todd Young, R-Indiana, issued the following news release: U.S. Senators Todd Young (R-Ind.), John Cornyn (R-Texas), Mark Warner (D-Va.), Angus King (I-Maine), and James Lankford (R-Okla.) introduced the Critical Minerals Security Act, which would help secure U.S. access to critical mineral supply chains and counter Chinese industry dominance. The legislation would direct the U.S. Department of the Interior to evaluate the global supply and ownership of critical miner  more